Tests Of The Hyperloop High-Speed Transport System Began

Almost ten years ago, Elon Musk announced his desire to create a high-speed mode of transport that would surpass all available means of transportation in its parameters. As a basis, the businessman took the concept of a vacuum train, which scientists discussed in the last century. The revolutionary project was called Hyperloop, and Musk’s The Boring Company, which provides services in the field of infrastructure and construction of tunnels, took up its implementation. For a long time, nothing was heard about Hyperloop, but suddenly the developers returned with good news – they are ready to start testing their invention.
A message about the launch of full-scale tests appeared on The Boring Company on Twitter. For greater credibility, photos from the scene were attached to the post. The photo shows the very system that should change the idea of traditional transport. The basis of its design is a wind tunnel and a capsule capable of moving in rarefied air at a record speed. According to preliminary data, the maximum speed of movement will be 1220 kilometers per hour. Judging by the published photos, the Hyperloop technology will be tested using a Tesla car.