General Tech

SpaceX Got New Requirements From The FCC

FCC required SpaceX to provide detailed justification that the new service would not interfere with the operation of other satellite and terrestrial services.

Last year, SpaceX asked the FCC to approve the use of Starlink satellites to transmit radio signals to smartphones, including on T-Mobile’s network in the United States.

Last week, the FCC sent SpaceX a list of additional questions that arose during its review of the company’s application to operate the Starlink cellular service in the 1910-1995 MHz radio bands. Responses to them with an analysis of possible interference due to Direct to Cell to other operators and services must be provided by November 17. “This analysis must consider a worst-case scenario where all satellites are transmitting simultaneously, including the use of varying power levels required to account for signal attenuation in rain, clouds, and clear-air conditions in a given coverage area,” the FCC said, adding that  the analysis should also consider “the possibility of disruption of services from other authorized satellite and terrestrial operators in the area.”

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