General Tech

Cryptocurrencies Can Now Be Stored Under The Skin

Two American companies – VivoKey and Dangerous Things – have developed a cryptocurrency wallet called Apex, which is implanted into the human body. Decrypt writes about this. Processing of cryptocurrency transactions takes place directly inside the implanted chip.

The founder and CEO of VivoKey Technologies and Dangerous Things, Amal Graafstra, said that the Apex implantable chip could be used not only to store cryptocurrency, but also to unlock doors or pay for purchases. The chip supports several cryptocurrency wallets of different blockchains, including Satochip, Seedkeeper and Status IM key.

Apex Wallet is a capsule-sized hardware device that protects data by storing it under the user’s skin. The chip implantation procedure takes only a few seconds and is carried out using a needle. After installing the chip, the user can manage their cryptocurrency wallet through a mobile application, while private keys and transaction signing occur directly on the chip.

The device currently supports Satochip wallet, Seedkeeper app, and Status IM card wallet. on various blockchains. Apex costs $349.

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