Yakuza Spin-Offs Judgment and Lost Judgment Out On PC

Sega confirmed the rumors by announcing that Judgment and Lost Judgment were released on PC – on Steam. Pages of games on the platform have already appeared, and games can already be bought.
The entire Yakuza series has been released on PC in recent years in a complete collection, with the exception of a few spin-offs. Including quite popular Judgment and Lost Judgment. Now this misunderstanding is corrected: the release of both games officially took place on Steam.
Recall that the original game was released on PS4 in 2018, and its sequel in 2021. Until now, there have been rumors that a PC version of the title is not possible due to problems with the agency that hosts the actor who played the main role: they prohibit showing their artists on the Internet. Apparently, this conflict has been resolved. As for the game itself, the fans received it very warmly: it’s like Yakuza, but a little different.