
PlayStation 5 USB Ports Melted Controller Connectors At EVO 2023

The Evolution Championship Series took place in Las Vegas last weekend, with players from all over the world battling it out in a variety of fighting games. The role of gaming stations was played by the PlayStation 5, according to the participants, the consoles did not perform in the best way.

Several players who participated in the Evolution Championship Series spoke about the critically high temperature of the consoles. The temperature of the PlayStation 5 was so high that the USB connectors of the gamepads connected to the consoles melted.

According to players, extended use of arcade sticks and other USB hardware connected to the PlayStation 5 resulted in damage to the devices – at first, users were unable to disconnect the controllers from the consoles, and when disconnected, they found that the accessories were damaged.

According to participants’ feedback, the biggest inconvenience is caused by blue pieces of plastic that are detached from the controller’s USB connector and fall into the console’s USB port sockets.

The organizers of the Evolution Championship Series and Sony representatives have not yet commented on the complaints of the tournament participants about connectors and gamepads that fail.

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