Dhp Technology Launches Lightweight Solar Panels
The young Swiss company Dhp Technology proposes to use the sliding solar panels it is developing as part of canopies for parking heavy vehicles, while directing the electricity received from the sun to replenish the charge of the traction batteries of electric vehicles.
As a pilot project, such solar panels will be deployed over 45 parking lots near highways in two regions of Switzerland. This folding solar roof has its own name – HORIZON, it has a much lower mass compared to traditional solar panels using glass. For unfolding and folding panels of this type, ropes and rollers are used, raised to a height of up to 6 meters from the ground. Distances between ground supports can be large enough to save parking spaces.
The control electronics reportedly monitor the weather itself, and if strong winds, hail or snow threaten the solar panels, they will temporarily collapse. At the same time, the efficiency of solar panels as part of the HORIZON roof is quite enough to generate a decent amount of electricity in the winter season.
Energy company Aventron, which is part of a consortium with Dhp Technology, is going to install such sliding solar panels at 45 truck stops in two regions of Switzerland.