US House of Representatives Bans Employees From Using TikTok

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Administration announced that it would ban TikTok from any mobile device controlled by members of the House of Representatives “due to a number of security risks,” CBS News reported.
House of Representatives staff are now banned from downloading and using the TikTok app on all mobile devices, according to a memo from House Chief Administrative Officer Katherine Spindor.
“Starting today: House of Representatives employees are not allowed to download the TikTok app on any mobile devices. TikTok is not allowed to be used on House of Representatives mobile devices. If you have the TikTok app on a House of Representatives mobile device, you will be contacted to remove it,” – said the administrative director of the political department.
The TikTok mobile app poses a threat to users due to “security risks”, according to the CAO Cybersecurity Authority. This is stated in the official document.
Several states, including Texas, Georgia, Maryland, South Dakota, South Carolina, and Nebraska, have also banned the app from government devices. The US Army has also banned the military from using the app on government devices, CBS News notes.