New Heroes In Overwatch 2 Will Be Unlocked Through A Free Pattle Pass

A 10-minute video leaked online revealing a new Overwatch 2 character named Kiriko. The mention of the heroine was also noticed on the website, along with some details of the battle pass.
Overwatch Head of Commercial Jon Spector posted a tweet in an attempt to clarify some of the information that has come out about the Overwatch 2 Battle Pass. Unlike the original Overwatch and many other multiplayer shooters, Overwatch 2’s new heroes are initially only available in the free version of the Battle Pass. At the same time, Spector did not mention how far the heroes would be in the pass and how long they would stay there.
One Twitter user asked if this is the only way to get heroes and if players won’t be able to get them if they can’t reach the level required to unlock them. Spector said that Blizzard plans to offer other free ways to unlock new Overwatch 2 heroes, but didn’t give any hints as to what those ways would be.