Naughty Dog postponed The Last of Us Online Game

With Last Us fans looking forward to the news, Naughty Dog updated their upcoming TLOU project on Twitter with the announcement that they are postponing the release. They need more time to work on the highly anticipated multiplayer game The Last Of Us Factions. Fans also got more exciting news as the press release says they are also working on a new single player game.
The studio encountered various difficulties during development. According to Jason Schreier, the developers are now reconsidering the direction of the game. They are allegedly assisted by the Bungie studio in development.
At the same time, Schreier also writes that part of the team that worked on the multiplayer game was transferred to other Naughty Dog projects.
Sony has recently doubled down on its live service strategy, with PlayStation maker saying it aims to release 10 games in this category by 2026. Newly acquired Bungie even introduced a resurrected version of the Marathon, which is a strong indication that Sony is betting big on the live-service space. While The Last of Us multiplayer should be another of the company’s ambitious live-service projects, Naughty Dog’s update suggests that gamers may have to hold back their expectations.