In The UK A Robot Will Be Released On The Roads For Autonomous Repair Of Asphalt Pavement
A new robotic platform for continuous road surface monitoring and repair will soon undergo its first field trials in the UK. The ARRES Prevent robot was created by Robotiz3d, a company spun out of the University of Liverpool. An automated road repair platform will be able to search for and repair cracks in asphalt around the clock, preventing the appearance of potholes.
The robot uses artificial intelligence to detect potholes and fill them automatically and can make repairs 70% faster than humans.
According to a Hertfordshire County Council spokesman, the intention is to use the robot alongside road maintenance teams, rather than replace them. It will autonomously find and repair cracks in the road while workers do other jobs, doing more work at a time.
The robot works by autonomously patrolling roads and scanning the surface using cameras. Using artificial intelligence, the robot can detect depressions in the road surface and classify them as potholes or cracks. Once the robot detects a defect, it will decide whether to fix it immediately or add it to the list for later inspection. If the robot decides to make a repair, it will inject filling material into the crack to prevent the damage from expanding.
The ARRES Prevent robot is completely electric and battery-powered. It has undergone extensive laboratory testing. It will soon begin testing in the wild on a street in Hertfordshire