General Tech

Tesla E-cars Emit Steam During Fast Charging

It turned out that some Tesla electric vehicles emit steam during fast charging. This caused concern among the owners, who began to perceive it as smoke. Tesla explained that this phenomenon is quite normal and is associated with the operation of the heat pump integrated into certain car models.

The operating instructions for Tesla electric vehicles explicitly state that versions of vehicles with a heat pump as part of the standard climate system can, under certain climatic conditions, emit steam from under the front part of the body. Ice can form on the heat exchanger of the cooling system at subzero temperatures, and for normal charge reception, the on-board climate system must heat the battery to 42 degrees Celsius, so as a result of heating, the ice melts and turns into water, which evaporates in the form of steam.

This misunderstanding leads to owners calling tow trucks to transport their cars for service, which leads to time and financial costs. It is important for Tesla owners to be aware of this characteristic in order to distinguish a harmless pair from potentially problematic situations.

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