Valve Has Released A Completely Redesigned Steam App For iOS And Android

Valve has announced that it is leaving beta testing for a redesigned mobile version of its digital distribution service, Steam, which began in August. The updated app is now available on iOS and Android.
In addition to the updated design, the developers of the new version of the mobile program presented the following to users:
- Two-factor authentication;
- Login with QR code. An option for those who never remember their password;
- Login confirmation;
- Authorized devices. The ability to manage access to devices that are logged into the account;
- Easily accessible tabs with shop, community and news;
- Remote download of games and updates on PC;
- Customizable Steam notifications;
- Additional confirmation of actions related to purchases and sales;
- Support for using multiple Steam accounts;
- Custom tabs.
Steam is also working on introducing a QR code login to the Steam Deck and an update to the Chat app. The update fixes many bugs and will be available on Android today (on iOS a little later).