The James Webb Telescope Saw the Star’s In The Constellation Virgo Birth

NASA showed the stunning lights of the Spiral Galaxy in the Virgo constellation. A photo of NGC 5068, a barred spiral galaxy, was taken by the James Webb telescope. It is located in the constellation Virgo at a distance of 17 million light years from Earth.
This image of NGC 5068, an SBc barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo, is a composite of infrared images taken by the MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) and NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) sensors on the James Webb Telescope.

The MIRI data shows the structure of the galaxy and the bright bubbles of gas – which are the newly formed stars – while the NIRCam focuses on the huge band of stars in the foreground. Meanwhile, the joint composition of the pictures shows “everything at once.”

This time, the Webb telescope made no discoveries: the images are part of NASA’s broader effort to collect as many images as possible of star formation in nearby galaxies.