Strong Museum Creates World’s Largest Donkey Kong Slot Machine

An absolutely massive Donkey Kong arcade cabinet, nearly 20 feet tall, has opened at the National Strong Game Museum in New York. Donkey Kong is now co-starring in the world’s biggest movie, so it’s only fitting that he also gets the same giant slot machine.
The slot machine will be nearly 20 feet tall and approximately 370% larger than the original. It will be part of the Strong Museum’s 90,000-square-foot expansion that will open this June.
Construction is expected to be completed this spring and playable on June 30, 2023. Nintendo of America is contributing to the project, although details of its involvement have not been disclosed. Players will stand on a plinth at the base and interact with it using a regular sized arcade pad.
The motherboard was taken from the original Donkey Kong machine, so it will be as close to the original as possible.