PS Plus December Giveaway Free Games Revealed

Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment on the website of the official PlayStation blog presented the December selection of free games for subscribers of all tariffs of its PlayStation Plus service.
As expected, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition for PS4 is headlining the upcoming line-up, featuring remasters of the first three sci-fi RPGs in BioWare’s Mass Effect series.
Among other things, the selection includes the post-apocalyptic open-world action game Biomutant and the third-person platform fighting game Divine Knockout.
All three games will be available to owners of both the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, however, the Mass Effect compilation does not have a version for the current generation console. To add free titles to your personal library, all you need is an active PS Plus subscription of any level.
The new collection will be available on December 6th. Until then, PlayStation Plus users can get the November titles Nioh 2, LEGO Harry Potter Collection and Heavenly Bodies for free.