Nokia Has Radically Changed Its Logo

After Pekka Lundmark took over Nokia’s telecommunications equipment division, the CEO outlined the company’s three-stage roadmap: Reset, Accelerate, and Scale. With the first part of the plan completed, Nokia will now focus on acceleration and change its logo for the first time in 60 years to signal the start of a new era.
Pekka Lundmark noted that the corporation is committed to improving performance, sustainability and affordability. “We are sharing our updated company and technology strategy with a focus on unlocking the potential of networks, creating a future where networks meet the cloud,” he said.
Now the company’s distinguishing mark consists of five different shapes that form the word Nokia. It is emphasized that the recognizable blue color of the old logo has been replaced with a range of colors.
“The company’s new logo symbolizes an energetic, dynamic and modern Nokia, demonstrating its values and mission,” the Finnish corporation sums up in a statement.
In addition to developing its telecommunications equipment business, Nokia is going to focus on selling equipment to other companies. Among them are private 5G networks and equipment for automated factories, which will position the company as a competitor to Microsoft and Amazon in this area. Lundmark noted that Nokia is also considering development and growth in other areas.