Israel Scientists ‘Implanted’ Locust Antennae Into A Robot And Taught It To Distinguish Scents

A group of researchers from Tel Aviv University recently announced the creation of a robot that can identify a range of flavors with a sensitivity that is 10,000 times higher than the capabilities of specialized electronics. They call it a biohybrid platform or a cyborg.
Israeli scientists have integrated locust antennae into the electronic system of a wheeled robot. The biological sensor turned out to be 10,000 times more sensitive to odors than electronic counterparts. A cyborg equipped with such a sensor can efficiently memorize, recognize and follow scents.
Despite the active development of technology, people still lag behind evolution in terms of creating sensitive sensors. In their study, scientists used antennae, the main element of the olfactory system of the Desert Locust. The biological sensor, combined with an electroantennagraphy system and trained AI, can identify eight types of odors.
Scientists say that their development is unique. But the idea of using locusts to detect explosives originated in 2016. This is not the only attempt to make insect pests work for the benefit of humanity. In 2022 researchers from the University of Michigan described in detail the system they created, with the help of which locust helps to detect cancer cells.