Instagram Gets New Functions
The popular social network Instagram has received an update with a number of improvements that are designed to provide users with more opportunities to edit their content before publishing.
Some filters make minor changes to images, adjusting, for example, color and tone, while others allow you to edit them radically – the Instagram administration introduced them to save users from the need to edit images in applications such as VSCO and Picsart. The platform has expanded the range of filters for the first time in many years, recalling that when working with any of them, you can adjust the intensity of the effect using a slider.

The range of tools for short videos in the Reels section will soon be expanded. The platform is testing functions for scaling, trimming and rotating clips; In the foreseeable future, there will also be undo and redo buttons for recent actions. For English-speaking users, ten speech synthesizer voices have been added in some countries. The set of fonts has expanded with the ability to outline for better readability. The function of creating stickers from photos or videos both from the user’s own gallery and from other materials available on Instagram is being tested.

The update was released on November 15, 2023. To install it, you need to download the latest version of the client from Google Play or the App Store.