Indian Solar Station Sends First Images Of The Sun
The ultraviolet telescope SUIT, aboard the Indian solar station Aditya-L1, obtained the first images of the full disk of the Sun in the wavelength range of 200–400 nanometers on December 6, 2023, using 11 filters. They make it possible to monitor the behavior of various regions in the photosphere and chromosphere of the Sun, such as active regions, floccules or filaments.
The Aditya-L1 solar observatory was launched into space on September 2 on an Indian launch vehicle from the Indian spaceport. For this country, the launch was the next step in the development of the national space program. In August, India sent and landed a rover on the Moon, the first closest to the south pole of the Earth’s natural satellite, and less than a month later launched an observatory to observe the Sun.
The package of images gives a simultaneous idea of the processes on the surface of the Sun (spots and structures) and in its atmosphere at different altitudes. Other instruments will measure the magnetic fields of the star and its formations, as well as charged particles – plasma and coronal mass ejections.