Google Launches Beta Version Of Nearby Share App for Windows PC

Google is launching a beta version of Nearby Share for Windows in the US and select regions around the world. With Nearby Share, you can easily and quickly share images, videos, documents, and more between your Windows computer and Android device.
Nearby Share beta for Windows PC is available in most countries except Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Donbass, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania , Luxembourg, is available. Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
You’ll need to turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your PC for this feature to work, but you can choose who can see your device and send you files to ward off any potential spam messages. From the drop-down menu for setting device visibility, you can make your computer visible to everyone, to your contacts, only to your own devices, or to no one at the moment. If you don’t select the latter option, your Android device will be able to share files with your computer whether the app is open or only running in the background.
Google has announced the launch of Nearby Share technology on computers running the Windows operating system. Introduced in 2020 as a simplified way to transfer data, the feature allows you to share various files in one click and in seconds between nearby Android smartphones, tablets and Chromebooks. The extension of the Nearby Share ecosystem to Windows was announced at CES 2022, and the early beta is now officially available globally for everyone.