Astronomers Have Discovered A Galaxy Very Similar To The Milky Way In The Early Stages Of Evolution

Astronomers using space telescope “James Webb” found another one a galaxy that is almost a mirror image of the Milky Way in its early stages of evolution (as it was billions of years ago).
The galaxy was named “The Sparkler” because about two dozen brilliant globular clusters revolve around it.
There are also several dwarf galaxies around the galaxy that the “Sparkler” absorbs. This is reminiscent of the early development of the Milky Way, which also devoured smaller galaxies.
A telescope image shows what a “Bengal fire” looked like when the universe was only four billion years old. So far, the galaxy is only 3% of the mass of the Milky Way, but the researchers expect it to grow due to the absorption of other galaxies. In about nine billion years, the “Sparkler” may be very similar to the modern Milky Way.
In just a year of its operation, the James Webb Telescope has managed to make many discoveries. The latest of these was the discovery of two of the most distant galaxies in the universe that man has ever found. They appeared less than 400 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was only 2% of its current age.