The New Part Of The Sensational Film “Avatar” Disabled Film Projectors In Japan

Many Japanese theaters reported technical issues with Avatar: The Way of Water, and one was forced to lower its frame rate from 48 to the traditional 24.
Audiences who came to see James Cameron’s film posted messages on social media about sudden screening cancellations and theater staff apologizing for car problems and refunding money.
Not all cinemas are prepared to show movies at higher frame rates. This requires modern projectors, which a number of Japanese companies did not have. In particular, United Cinemas Co., Toho Col and Tokyu Corp.
Avatar: The Path of Water is available in three formats: 2D 48FPS, 3D 48FPS and 3D 24FPS. At the same time, the high refresh rate technology only comes into play in action scenes, while in normal scenes the frame rate drops to 24 FPS.
Japanese cinemas that reported technical problems have decided to refund money to viewers. At the same time, one of the institutions showed the film, reducing the frame rate to 24 FPS.