General Tech

Samsung Is Preparing Eclipse Audio – Free Alternative to Dolby Atmos

Representatives of the South Korean brand Samsung have announced a technology called Eclipse Audio. This is a new spatial sound format that will be supported by the company’s 2025 TVs and soundbars. It is reported to be a free alternative to the popular Dolby Atmos.

Eclipsa Audio is an advanced spatial audio technology that enables the creation of realistic and voluminous sound, and also enables content creators to customize key parameters, including the location of the sound in space, its intensity, etc. Ultimately, Eclipsa Audio could become a free alternative to Dolby Atmos technology, for the use of which producers have to pay license fees. Samsung and Google announced a partnership in 2023 to develop a new 3D audio technology. Initially, this project was called Immersive Audio Model and Formats (IAMF), and it was already announced that the development would be based on open source code. The IAMF specification was also adopted by the Alliance for Open Media, which has been developing and implementing open video formats since 2015 and includes Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, Samsung, and Google.

More details about the technology should be revealed at CES 2025. It is already known that support for the new format will appear on YouTube.

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